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dc.contributor.authorسميحة, عزيز-
dc.contributor.authorلبنى, بغدادي-
dc.description.abstractIn this work, we have addressed the emergence and development of the Algerian Islamic Scouts (1930-1954), an independent youth voluntary organization of a public interest nature, which aims to contribute to the development of the abilities of children, boys and young people spiritually, intellectually, physically and socially to be responsible citizens of their homeland and good for their society, and through the dedication of Islamic principles and national values, and we have therefore addressed the role of Islamic scouts in promoting the values of citizenship and the spirit of struggle.en_US
dc.subjectالكشافة الإسلامية - الكشافة الإسلامية الجزائرية - العمل التطوعي - النضالen_US
dc.titleالكشافة الإسلامية الجزائرية نشأتها وتطورها 1930 - 1954 مen_US
Collection(s) :مذكرات الماستر - Mater' Dissertaions

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الكشافة الإسلامية الجزائرية نشأتها وتطورها (1930-1954م).pdf2 MBAdobe PDFVoir/Ouvrir

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