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dc.contributor.authorريمة, ناصر-
dc.contributor.authorحفيظة, مباركي-
dc.description.abstractThe school library is important for the pupils and all edu-cational family in the secondary school, and through it growth is achieved in many aspects for the education of young people, and to get to know the topic this study was titled: the role of school library to support the educational process field study in school library of Maadjoudje El Amri - Barika high school. This study comprises five chapters, the first is about the meth-odological side, the second is the school library, and the third is educational operation, Then the forth chapter is the role of school library in activating the educational process, and the last one is the field study in school library of Maadjoudje El Amri Barika high school. We used hear descriptive analytical meth-od depends on questionnaire. The study reached the results of the most important the school library has an effective role in serving the educational process with its various elements, and they develop their skills and their intellectual capabilities, and we noticed in-tentional marginalisation of the library school by officials. Therefore the school library should be taken in to consid-eration by the ministry of education to activate it and devel-op the learning process.en_US
dc.subjectالمكتبات - المكتبة المدرسية - العملية التعليميةen_US
dc.titleالمكتبة المدرسية و دورها في تفعيل العملية التعليمية : دراسة ميدانية بمكتبة ثانوية معجوج العمري بريكةen_US
Collection(s) :مذكرات الماستر - Mater' Dissertaions

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