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dc.contributor.authorSoundous, Benkorichi-
dc.contributor.authorYasmine, Dahou-
dc.description.abstractHigher education students face various challenges as they progress to the early stages at the university, which may cause many educational barriers. In this vein, this study describes the optimality of integrating mentoring to first year students from the English department at Barika university centre. It is carried out with a qualitative descriptive analytical method that involves describing, analysing then interpreting the obtained results. Interview and observation have been chosen as the main data collecting tools. The line of inquiry of this study is to check mentoring’s benefits and effects on first year students’ challenges and performance. In this regard, to collect effective and efficient results, the study was based on a focus group sampling technique to better explore the issue at hand. Hence, eight first-year students were targeted. The results obtained reveal that eighty percent of the sample were having difficulties to adjust to the new system and the content of several subjects. In response to the collected data and their analysis, students expressed confidence, excitement as well as appreciation for receiving the necessary assistance from mentorship programs, claiming that it has influenced and raised their motivation levels.en_US
dc.subjectHigher education students, challenges, mentoring, students’ performance, teachers’ guidance.en_US
dc.titleOptimality of Integrating Mentoring System in Higher Education to Overcome Learners’ Challenges and Difficulties: The case of first year students of English Department at Barika University Centeren_US
Collection(s) :مذكرات الماستر - Mater' Dissertaions

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