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dc.contributor.authorSelma, Boulahia-
dc.description.abstractHigher education in Algeria has been slowed down by the recent Covid-19 pandemic, resulting in temporary border closures, emergency home confinement and uncertainties for the future of trade. As a result, universities have been forced to suspend all educational activities of teaching and supervision for the benefit of students. On April 2nd, 2020, a directive from the MESRS (Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research) was sent to heads of academic institutions asking them to provide distance education. This research work explores Algerian university education in times of Covid-19, by collecting the impressions and opinions of teachers of eastern Algeria in order to reveal the obstacles and constraints inherent to digital adaptation with research using the results of an online survey conducted among 300 teachers in eastern Algeria. It is concluded from the research that technical and environmental working conditions of teachers are particularly acceptable. The teachers have been able to deliver their courses online even though the vast majority of them are discovering this manner of teaching for the first time. Finally, two difficulties were reported, on one hand the lack of communication with the students and on the other hand the quality of internet connection. KEYWORDS: Covid-19, University, Teacher, Distance leaming, Algeriaen_US
dc.subjectL'enseignement supérieur à distance - la COVID-19en_US
dc.titleL'enseignement supérieur à distance à l'ère de la COVID-19 : Contraintes et obstacles à l’adaptation numérique Cas des enseignants du département de FLE des universités de l’est de l’Algérie.en_US
Collection(s) :مذكرات الماستر - Mater' Dissertaions

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