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dc.contributor.authorملياني, خولة-
dc.description.abstractThis study focused on set of linguistic phenomena related to the duality of word and meaning, which were included by Western linguist Stephen Ullmann in his book (Words and their use) in an attempt to apply it to the Arabic language, by solving the complex problem." To what extent does the Arabic language system respond to the problems raised by Steven Ullman (language specificity) and (specificity of Quranic usage)." It is an applied study in both English and Arabic languages. An introductory theoretical chapter has been devoted which works on the rooting of opposing cosmic dualities, in particular word and meaning, and three applied chapters represented in linguistic levels (phonetic - morphological - semantic), according to Ullmann. This is based on the descriptive approach as a primary approach to the study, In order to reach a set of results this study aims to reveal the distinctive characteristics of the Arabic language.en_US
dc.publisherالمركز الجامعي الشهيد سي الحواس بريكةen_US
dc.subjectاللغة العربية - اللفظ - المعنى - اللسانياتen_US
dc.titleمشكلات اللفظ والمعنى فياللغة العربية :دراسة لسانية ةفي ضوء كتاب دور الكلمة في اللغة لستيفن أولمانen_US
Collection(s) :أطروحات الدكتوراه - Doctorat' Thesis

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