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dc.contributor.authorLakhdari, Djamel-
dc.contributor.authorMOKRANI, Hachemi-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research is to identify the determinants of organizational support and its relationship with job commitment among Sonatrach employees. The researcher followed a descriptive analytical approach, as it is appropriate to the research topic, which is based on studying the reality or phenomenon as it exists in reality, and focuses on describing it accurately to obtain information that answers the research questions without interference from the researcher. The current research found a statistically significant relationship at the 0.05 level of significance between the determinants of organizational support and job commitment among Sonatrach employees with variables such as gender, educational level and years of experience. The study recommends that Sonatrach adopt concepts that reflect dimensions of organizational justice, which would be reflected in the behaviour of understanding performance levels among its members. This can be achieved by promoting concepts of transparency and fairness and linking them to duties through open meetings that facilitate the dissemination of direct and positive relationships and provide employees with the opportunity to participate in decision-making, especially those related to their work. This would make them more accepting and responsive to these decisions, which in turn would be reflected in their performance of their duties. The study also emphasizes the importance of neutrality and integrity in all administrative procedures and decisions, which requires distancing from personal or narrow partisan interestsen_US
dc.subjectOrganizational supporten_US
dc.subjectjob commit menten_US
dc.subjectSonatrach employeesen_US
dc.titleOrganizational support and its relationship with job involvement among Sonatrach employeesen_US
Collection(s) :Department of Social Sciences - قسم العلوم الاجتماعية

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