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Titre: اللغة العربية الفصيحة من الشفاهية إلى الكتابية:دراسة لضوابط الإحتجاج وآليات التقعيد النحوي في كتاب سيبويه
Auteur(s): علواني, عبد الصمد
Mots-clés: الغحتجاج - سيبويه - الشفاهية والكتابية - التقعيد النحوي
Date de publication: 2023
Editeur: المركز الجامعي الشهيد سي الحواس بريكة
Résumé: The topic of this study deals with the standard Arabic language in Jahillyah era until after the emergence of Islam, which is the stage that witnessed many linguistic developments , including the oral and written transfer .Thus ,scholars were obliged to put this language under study and scrutiny due to the emergence of Islam and culture mixing and tongue corruption. Grammar rules were set to protect tongues and preserve Arabic from the danger of fallacy . Hence, Arab scholars were distinguished by a systematic scientific method on the basis of which the language was collected from the deserts that are deep in the Arabian peninsula and choosing Arabic corpus with linguistic references from the pure Arabs , they were able to extrapolate their linguistic uses which the grammatical foundation of Arabic was laid .Also, it was determined accordingly the rules of grammatical evidence. The grammarian Sibawayh was the core of our study ,being the author of the first grammar of Arabic. He collected all the chapters of grammar in a scientific, inductive way that invited us to discover his approach in the book and to know the mechanisms by which Arabic grammar sat.
Collection(s) :أطروحات الدكتوراه - Doctorat' Thesis

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