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Auteur(s): Barkat, Omar
Date de publication: 17-sep-2024
Résumé: The 4th International Conference on Applied Algebra serves as a platform for promoting and advancing the field of algebra. Building upon the success of the previous events, such as the 3rd Algebraic Days ICAA'2015 hosted by the University of M'sila in April 2015, this conference continues a long-standing tradition. Since its inception at the University of Jijel in November 2009, followed by the 2nd edition organized by the University of M'sila in November 2011, the conference has provided a vital forum for researchers and scholars. With great honor, ICAA 2024 is being held at the Barika University Center, further extending its reach and significance. The primary goal of this gathering is to facilitate discussions on the latest developments, research results, and emerging trends in applied algebra and related fields. Moreover, it offers a valuable opportunity for early-career researchers to learn about the diverse applications and interdisciplinary aspects of applied algebra, enhancing their professional growth and fueling their curiosity in this dynamic field.
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